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What are the types of MA licences?The following are types of registration relevant to WHES. For more information please visit the MA website.
Are there more rules and regulations?Yes. Please see our documents page for a copy of our current Supplementary Regulations and other official documents. A copy of the General Competition Rules (sometimes referred to as MoMs) can be found on the MA Website. For Hard Enduro rules and regs. please look under the "Enduro" section.
Can I get a refund?Yes, in some instances. Please note that only entry fees will be fully refunded, and there will be no carryover to other events or years. Please see our club rules for details.
What is WHES?WHES is the WA Hard Enduro Series. Our series builds a community of riders empowered to overcome mental and physical challenges presented by the nature of the sport. We keep our series simple, rider-centric, safe and fun. WHES events are set up into a number of classes - Gold, Silver & Bronze is available for every event. Women’s and Junior classes MAY be available at some events (this doesn't mean that if you are either of these you can't ride!). WHES Inc. is affiliated with Motorcycling Australia (MA) and Motorcycling Western Australia (MWA). Our affiliation means our events operate under guidelines from MA and our riders are covered by Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance.
What is Hard Enduro?Hard Enduro is an event taking place outside using Enduro motorcycles on a track made with natural or artificial elements (earth, sand, etc.), on which are found various, mainly natural, “obstacles” (hillclimbs, stones, tree trunks, stretches of water, etc.), to test the rider’s technical ability to ride and the motorcycle’s ability to withstand toughest terrain. The competition is to clear the entire course / the number of laps requested as fast as possible. One of the defining characteristics is the combined starting field of amateur and pro riders. If you are ready for a serious challenge, hone your riding skills and come join us!
Does my bike have to be road registered to race?No, your bike does not need to be registered, however it needs to be in a good condition. Your bike will be checked or scrutinised prior to the race. More details on this can be found in Section 10D Technical Regulations of the current General Competition Rules for Enduro Competition issued by MA.
I'm a Junior Rider - what do I need to do?WHES has been granted permission by Motorcycling Australia for Juniors (13 - under 16 years) to competitively ride the Senior track under the following circumstances: They ONLY ride the Bronze line. They must start 30 minutes after the last Bronze competitor starts. They must have the correct off road endorsements for the bike being ridden. To enter a WHES event as a Junior you will need to have the correct Off Road endorsements for the bike being ridden. Please note our tracks are NOT suited to inexperienced or novice riders. How to become a WHES Junior Rider? Obtain Ambulance Insurance Join RiderNet Complete 5 hours [min] coaching & riding test (Kick Start). Join WHES as a Riding Member Successfully finish theory test (Kick Start Assessment) Apply for your Junior National Competition Licence Enter as many WHES events as you can and have fun riding! For more information: For the VERY Experienced Junior Riders Juniors aged between 15 & 16 years of age who ride full size bikes will be eligible to APPLY to compete on the seniors Bronze track, under certain circumstances riders under the age of 15 but no younger than 14 may be eligible to apply to compete on the Bronze track based on their demonstrated race history. Please contact MWA for further information and application for the exemption.
How do I accumulate series points for 2024?First of all you need to be a member of WHES "Rider Membership - Yearly". For each race, the riders who place in the top fifteen (15), in each class, will receive points that accumulate towards the series total. The overall results for the WA Hard Enduro Series (WHES) will be awarded to the top three (3) competitors in each class who were awarded the highest number of points for the series. These competitors will receive a trophy. The top ten (10) riders in each class will be recognised for their efforts. At the end of the series, riders who have raced every round of the series and finished every round will receive a “Finishers” medal. A tie at the end of the series will be decided by the majority of the best placings. If a further tie exists, it will be decided by the better placing Rider in the last race of the series.
I'm good to ride, where do I sign-up?In order to ride WHES events you will need to join our club and get yourself a an MA licence, this can all be done through RiderNet. Stay tuned to our socials to find out when our season opens. We use RiderNet (by MA) for all our memberships and event fees. More information on RiderNet can be found on the MA website.
Am I insured when I ride a WHES event?It depends... As part of your MA licence, you are covered in some instances. Please read the MA Insurance policy / documents to find out more.
How do I register a rider number?How to Register Your Rider Number Register Yourself through RiderNet then Club Membership - become a WHES Club Member "Rider Membership - Yearly" Senior National Licence - have a current Senior National Licence - Competition Decide on the Class you are riding in WHES Pick your number (and 4 back up numbers) Email Emma ( at WHES with the following information: Name: eg John Smith RiderNet Number: eg 766 ### WHES Rider Membership Expiry Date: eg 31/12/24 Senior National Licence - Competition Expiry Date: eg 31/12/24 Class: eg Bronze Number Selection in Priority Order: eg 10, 999, 99, 100, 109 Await confirmation your number has been approved, which should be around a week. Once your number has been confirmed it is up to you, the rider, to source your own sticker kit or number plates using the WHES requirements. Please note the colour of the font and the colour requirements for Gold, Silver, Bronze etc. This can be done through a sign maker or one of the many companies that specialise in motorbike graphics including Omega Graphics. Omega Graphics have teamed up with WHES to provide our riders their number plates for their make and model of bike at a discounted rate. Just $99* for your number plate set - just click here to order. *conditions apply
I don't have current government issued licence class 'R' can I still sign up for a WHES event?Yes, but you will still need an MA Licence. Please follow the steps outlined in the attached document. Please ensure the form that you complete for the Competency Test (done with a MWA Accredited Coach / Steward / Clerk of Course, is the one attached as previous versions will not be accepted. When you, as a new rider is purchasing a licence, you will be required to upload 2 x documents. Proof of ID Proof of Competency Further information can be found on the MWA website under licencing.
Where do I find my MA Licence number?Your MA Licence number is sometimes referred to as your "Member Number" or "Ridernet Number". It is the number you use to log into Ridernet.
Which class is right for me?
Can my mates (& strangers) help me out in a race?Riders may receive assistance in the pit area for work on their bikes before and after the race has started. Assistance In a Race Outside assistance is restricted. Outside assistance refers to the act involved when any person, other than the rider, another rider actively participating in the current race (does not need to be the same class) or an official performing his or her duties, comes into contact with the motorcycle. Once a rider has finished their race including a “Did Not Finish “(DNF) then they are considered a spectator. Spare parts and tools can be taken to the riders on the course, by any person, but the bike must not leave the area it is getting repaired in i.e it can not go directly back to the pits. The bike can be moved to a safe location next to the track to perform repairs. Any repairs or adjustments must be made by the rider, working alone with no outside assistance. Assistance from any other rider participating in the current race is allowed. “No Help Zones” will be announced and sign posted. These areas are where assistance of any type is only allowed from other riders participating in the current race of the same class. Any person may provide a rider with food and non-alcoholic drinks at any point during the race. Provided the person does not step onto the race course or touch the rider’s bike. With the exception of "No Help Zones" Sweeps may assist riders by lifting motorcycles, moving them to a safe place or up a hill.
What events are included as part of WHES 2024?Exact event addresses will be issued as part of the Final Instructions to participants.
How much does it cost to ride with WHES, as part of the 2024 series?Below is a guide to prices. Junior riders please refer to a National Junior Licence for your MA Licence type, some information can be found here.
I'm not a sandbagger, but I don't want to go up a class. Is there a penalty?If a rider places in the top three (3) outright competitors, from the previous series year and then re-enters in the same class, except for where there’s no higher class available, the following year they will receive the following handicaps.
HELP! RiderNet!!!Need help with how to use RiderNet? Here are some tips. For more information please contact MWA. How to join RiderNet. How to join a Club. How to get a MA licence. You may need to fill out one of these if you don't have a bike licence. How to enter an event.
Is Hard Enduro spectator friendly?WHES is particularly spectator friendly. Spectators are what make this sport great and we welcome them. Due to the slower pace of the discipline WHES has grown into being a family friendly event. Entry is free. Food and drink is available on the day. WHES will have a Bunnings style sausage sizzle available. A coffee van is also available to keep your hands nice and warm.
What are the WHES Rider Number Guidelines?
Do I need to register a rider / race number?Riders who meet the following criteria will need to register (via WHES Only) and ride with a race number that meets WHES's rider number guidelines: Senior / Junior National Licence - Yearly WHES Rider Membership - Yearly Please remember: These numbers will need to meet our criteria and need to be fitted to your bike prior to the race. You can not register these numbers through RiderNet is MUST come through WHES. You must register this number through WHES. Riders who are riding with a one event licence do not have to register a number. Those with a one event licence will be issued with a number provided by WHES Inc. at their discretion. All other numbers on the bike must be removed or covered prior to the event.
How far away is an event and how long will I get to ride?Our events are less than 3 hours drive from Perth. At each venue camping is available on both Friday and Saturday nights. Please see our Supplementary Regulations for an idea on how long you will be riding at each event. More details for each venue will come out when registrations open and be available on RiderNet when you register. But to give you an idea: Gold 3.5 + hours Silver 3 + hours Bronze 2.5 + hours Women 2 + hours Juniors 2 + hours
I would really love to be part of the series, can I help?Looking to partner and make your mark on the WHES community? We have several ways for you to get involved – but it’s all about finding a mutually beneficial solution that boosts both our series awareness as well as yours! Any queries relating to partnerships can be emailed through to our sponsorships officer, Grant McCarthy, at
I'm super keen to spectate an event, can I?Spectators are what make this sport great, and we welcome it. However, you do so at your own risk and you must abide by the guidelines we set out to ensure your safety. One key rule you must follow at ALL times is that spectators need to be at least 6 mts from the track.
How much does it cost to come watch a WHES event?It is free to come watch a WHES event, however if you would like to camp it costs $10 / car. We have a sausage sizzles, drinks and raffles available as well. Cash and credit card facilities are available at all events, just head to the "Sign On" tent. Please note, that spectators are required to sign in for emergency reasons. We just want to make sure you get home safely, so please sign in with your first name, contact number & your car registration number.
How do I know what the venue is like?We've made dedicated pages for each of our tracks with information on amenities, track difficulty, etc, so just head over to our events page to check them out.
I would love to be part of the WHES series, can I help?We welcome help from all walks of life, we are always looking for help with our venues, track building, sweeps, officials, event set up and pack down, photography, social media, medical support, general volunteers and committee members. If you think you've got a skill we could use you can let us know at
What is Involved?Requirements will vary between roles. For anybody interested in volunteering please email
Is camping available for each event?Yes, every venue has camping. Here is an INDICATION of the facilities available. * Riders will receive camping, sausage sizzle and drink with their entry fees. * Sausage sizzle and drinks are available for purchase on the day by spectators.
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